"honey, I can't buy my shoes"

"honey, I can't buy my shoes"
"why not?"
"because we have to save the money for a crib"
"are you pregnant?"

I will never forget the day I found out I was pregnant. It was a Saturday, and Ro dropped me off in the morning- during the car ride, all I could talk about was the cutest booties I had been eying for weeks. Ro told me to get them after work and I was just so excited! My biggest worry that day? I really hope Bakers has my size! My period was 6 days late, but I still didn't worry. While at work, one of my co-workers called in to chat and mentioned to me that she was also late and was thinking about taking a pregnancy test. She talked me into taking one with her, so I ran out to get one. I wasn't worried at first, but got extremely anxious during my waiting period (which was very short). The results flashed almost instantaneously. Pregnant, it read. I took a deep breath, just could not hold it in until the end of the work day, and called Rohan. Telling him was scary, but he was vary calm and that sparked my excitement. I was so happy! I just kept hearing in my head, over and over again, a little person, calling me "mama". My heart cried a little. It was the most incredible feeling yet. I couldn't wait to be our little munchkin's mama!

My Pregnancy Journey

Here I am at 8 weeks.

 My belly is not that much bigger, but you can definitely tell that I'm baking. Although don't really feel pregnant :/

12 Weeks

Haven't grown too much and glad we made it to 12 weeks. 
I've been pregnant before and miscarried at 6 weeks,
so I've been very nervous until now. Thrilled that I made it through the
first trimester with no morning sickness or feeling icky.
Feeling great and "regular"

19 Weeks and a Coolatta Kick!

I felt her move for the first at 19 weeks and she never stopped after that. Yes! SHE, found out the sex at 17 weeks and confirmed at 19 weeks!

20 weeks!

20 Weeks! At this point, there's pretty much no turning back is there? haha :) We're half way there- hang in there little munchkin.

24 Weeks

Still don't feel pregnant. Cravings were crazy here though-
every week I was in a different country. There was Ghanaian week, then Chinese week, oh and Mexican weeks, Japanese week, and Indian week. I love it!

30 Weeks


Third and FINAL trimester, you're finally here.

32 Weeks

Baby Shower. Check!

35 Weeks

Excuse my crazy closet :) - feeling like I'm gonna be pregnant forever! Because I'm feeling NOTHING (as in labor pains) except for Riley's kicks and lame ass Braxton kicks.

Finally finished the nursery- Riley you are welcome to greet us any day now :)

Finished the Nursery

38 Weeks

The was after my last visit to the doctor- also my last day of work. due in two weeks but I think Riley wants to stay in there longer :(

My Darling Riley

You arrived at 1:25 p.m. on Monday, September 27th, 2010. You had jet black hair and dark brown eyes. You weighed 7 lbs 8 oz and were 19 inches long. You had the longest eye lashes I had ever seen. Your tiny nose, your loving smile and you lips-shaped birthmark blew me away. Your daddy and I were beyond happy to finally meet you. Mommy is in a tremendous amount of pain right now, but so glad we are finally leaving the hospital to go home. Baby girl, we will love you unconditionally for all eternity.

Welcome to the world my love.
