New Year, new you? Really?!

Each new year, brings new goals and aspirations to many of you. Hence new year resolutions. My theory for the reason people wait for the start of a new year to make their lives better, is because it's much easier and a heck of a lot more accurate to measure your progress. This may well be far off, but it makes sense.

Ever since I was old enough to understand new year's resolutions, I have made and stuck to each and everyone of my resolutions! It started with 2004. At the turn of the new year, I vowed to pursue someone I had been crushing on for over a year. We'll call him Ronald. Bear in mind, I was in high school :p. My resolution that year was to get over my extremely shy self and work up the nerve to talk to him, before the year's end. Well, ladies and gentleman, I did just that! By June of that year, I had not only talked to him, but we began having regular phone conversations. This raised my very bruised self-confidence way up!

The start of 2005 speared the declaration of my independence. I went off to college and achieved financial sovereignty from my parents by the end of that year. It was the scariest and boldest move I'd ever made but the best one, nonetheless. 2006 was the year I cut out fast food; 2007 was our official engagement year. For 2008, I was determined to live in another NYC borough. I grew up in the Bronx and wanted a bit more culture, and I did. We moved to Astoria, Queens for about 7 months! In 2009, I vowed to finish school, also accomplished! My resolution for 2010 was to be the best mother I could be to my daughter, who was born later in the year.

So yeah, I agree, new year, new me! I've done more growing up in the last seven years than I think I'll ever do. This is my measure of success. What's yours?

Happy New Year everyone!


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